Custom Method Parameter Injection with Jersey


In this article I will explain how to handle custom method parameter injection with Jersey 2. I will first go through some “non-custom” injections that work, then go through some custom injections that don’t work, then finally go through how to make them work.

This article assumes you have some working knowledge of dependency injection with Jersey, which is handle by it’s underlying DI framework HK2. if you don’t have any experience, you can still follow along, but it would probably make more sense to you if you first go through Custom Injection and Lifecycle Management from the Jersey user guide.

Let’s start off with an example. I will use the concept of a tenant in the example, but in no way does the example try to implement any multi-tenant features. When I was trying to think of an example, the first thing that came to mind was a Stack Overflow question where the poster was having trouble with method parameter injection, and the domain of the question was about multi-tenancy. So the example kind of stuck in my head.

The code can be found on GitHub as a single Gist file. I didn’t think it was necessary to create a complete project for this. The class is a JUnit test class using Jersey Test Framework. So just run it like any other JUnit test. There is only one Maven dependency to make it work, which is listed in the comments.

If you look at the file, you will see a lot of things commented out. This is on purpose. What I will do is start with a first example, and as we move along I will have you un-comment things to demonstrate something else.

So let’s get started. We are going to start with a simple Tenant class, which we want to inject into a method parameter.

public static class Tenant {
    public String name;
    public Tenant(String name) { = name; }

The first example is a working example. We will inject the Tenant using the @Context annotation, which is known by Jersey. If you look at the first paragraph, this is what I mean by “non-custom” injection. Later we will try to use our own annotation, which is what I consider “custom” injection.

public static class WithContextNoOther {

    public String get(@Context Tenant tenant) {

To make this work, we will use an HK2 Factory to create the Tenant

public static class TenantFactory implements Factory<Tenant> {

    public Tenant provide() { return new Tenant(TENANT_NAME); }

    public void dispose(Tenant t) { }

Then we need to bind the factory to HK2 in a AbstractBinder, then register the binder with the ResourceConfig

public static class TenantBinder extends AbstractBinder {
    protected void configure() {

public ResourceConfig configure() {
    return new ResourceConfig()
            .register(new TenantBinder())

If you run the test, you will see that it passes.

public void should_return_tenant_with_Context_injection() {
    Response response = target("with-context").request().get();
    assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
    assertEquals(TENANT_NAME, response.readEntity(String.class));

The injection works fine as expected. Next we will add a another method parameter, which will be the entity body of the request. This is just so we have some context later on.

public static class WithContextAndEntity {

    public String post(@Context Tenant tenant, String body) {
        return + ":" + body;

To run the test on this endpoint, you should un-comment the configuration where I register the class

public ResourceConfig configure() {
    return new ResourceConfig()
            .register(new TenantBinder())

And un-comment the @Test method.

public void should_return_tenant_with_Context_injection_and_entity() {
    Response response = target("with-context-and-entity").request()
    assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
    assertEquals(NAME_AND_MESSAGE, response.readEntity(String.class));

You will see that this also passes. But now we want to inject with a custom annotation, say

public static @interface TenantParam {}

If you’ve ever used a custom annotation or if you look at the Jersey user guide link I provided above, you will see that in order to use a custom annotation for injection, we need to provide our own InjectionResolver. Here is the implementation we will use for the example

public static class TenantParamResolver implements InjectionResolver<TenantParam> {
    InjectionResolver<Inject> systemInjectionResolver;

    public Object resolve(Injectee injectee, ServiceHandle<?> root) {
        if (Tenant.class == injectee.getRequiredType()) {
            return systemInjectionResolver.resolve(injectee, root);
        return null;

    public boolean isConstructorParameterIndicator() { return false; }

    public boolean isMethodParameterIndicator() { return false; }   

Then we will register the InjectionResolver in our AbstractBinder. Just un-comment the part in the TenantBinder where we register it

public static class TenantBinder extends AbstractBinder {
    protected void configure() {
                .to(new TypeLiteral<InjectionResolver<TenantParam>>(){})

Here is the resource class/method we will use to test

public static class WithCustomNoOther {

    public String get(@TenantParam Tenant tenant) {

And un-comment the registration of the resource class, and also the @Test method for this test

public ResourceConfig configure() {
    return new ResourceConfig()
            .register(new TenantBinder())

public void should_return_tenant_with_Custom_injection() {
    Response response = target("with-custom").request().get();
    assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
    assertEquals(TENANT_NAME, response.readEntity(String.class));

When you run the test you will see two things. The first is that the test assertion fails, as it expects a 200 response, but we get a 500. Second, if you look at the log (or console), you will see that we logged a NullPointerException where we tried to call in the resource method. This is because the injection failed, and the Tenant never got injected.

Now before we try to fix this, let’s try out something else to see a different result. First comment back out the previous @Test. We don’t care for it right now. Also comment out the registration of the WithCustomNoOther.class. What we will do here is use the WithCustomAndEntity.class. We will not test it though, we will only register it.

public static class WithCustomAndEntity {

    public String post(@TenantParam Tenant tenant, String body) {
        return + ":" + body;

public ResourceConfig configure() {
    return new ResourceConfig()
            .register(new TenantBinder())

So at this point, the only thing that should be changed from the previous successful test, is that we just registered the WithCustomAndEntity.class. We should still only have the previous successful @Test methods un-commented.

Now run the test and see what happens….

What the heck! Both tests fail, when previously they passed, and all we did was register a new resource class. Part of the error/exception reads

org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ModelValidationException: Validation of the application resource model has failed during application initialization

If you remember the previous failing test, hopefully you noticed that this is a completely different exception. The previous exception was a NullPointerException, meaning that the endpoint was actually being hit. This new exception actually caused the server to not even start. You will see that no requests were logged from our LoggingFilter.

So what is this ModelValidationException? Well anytime you create an object-oriented application, you want to carefully model your application domain. This way you can just process the domain objects. With this same concept in mind, Jersey models its application domain, which consists of resources and resource methods, etc. Behind the scene, these concepts are modeled as Resource and ResourceMethod, respectively.

On startup, Jersey validates these model components to make sure that they follow the rules, ensuring there are no unexpected problems at runtime related resource definitions. Part of the validation consists of making sure that all method parameters are injectable. When Jersey sees that something is not injectable, it will raise a flag and throw an exception, making sure we fix the problem.

When scanning the resource methods, Jersey introspects the method parameters looking to make sure that each parameter has a ValueFactoryProvider that can handle the injection. This is what the documentation fails to mention. The InjectionResolver is enough to handle field and constructor injection, but not for method parameter injection. The reason it works for @Context is that there is a ValueFactoryProvider that handle the @Context annotated parameters.

The reason we didn’t get this exception on the first fail to

public String get(@TenantParam Tenant tenant) {

is that we are allowed to have one method parameter as the entity body parameter. I’m sure you’ve noticed in your experience with Jersey, that when you want a method parameter to be the body, say a JSON-parsed-to-POJO body, you don’t use an annotation (unless its for form or multipart). This is allowed for one method parameter. A request should only have one entity body, therefore only one entity parameter is allowed. There is even a EntityParamValueFactoryProvider to handle this one entity parameter. The reason we get the exception with

public String post(@TenantParam Tenant tenant, String body) {
    return + ":" + body;

is that the @TenantParam is not recognized by the validator. So it thinks there may be two entity body parameters. It validates the Tenant just fine, but then it gets to the second parameter, which is also assumed to be and entity. So the exception points to the String parameter, and not the Tenant parameter.

No injection source found for a parameter of type public java.lang.String

So with all that being said, the fix here is to provide a ValueFactoryProvider. The main method is the Factory<?> getValueFactory(Parameter) method, which returns a Factory. In the method, we should check the Parameter argument to see if we can handle it. If not we just return null. What happens on startup is that all the ValueFactoryProviders registered are traversed while trying to validate each parameter. If none of the providers return a Factory for the parameter, then a validation error is thrown. Since the EntityParamValueFactoryProvider can only handle one parameter for each resource method, the first method parameter get the provider, and the second doesn’t, and the traversal returns null.

Here is the example ValueFactoryProvider we will use.

public static class TenantParamValueProvider implements ValueFactoryProvider {

    public Factory<?> getValueFactory(Parameter parameter) {
        if (parameter.getRawType() == Tenant.class
                && parameter.isAnnotationPresent(TenantParam.class)) {
            return new TenantFactory();
        return null;

    public ValueFactoryProvider.PriorityType getPriority() {
        return Priority.NORMAL;

Here’s we just check that the parameter is of type Tenant and that it is annotated with @TenantParam. Any other parameter qualifications, we cannot handle and just return null. Now just un-comment the registration of this provider in the TenantBinder

public static class TenantBinder extends AbstractBinder {
    protected void configure() {
                .to(new TypeLiteral<InjectionResolver<TenantParam>>(){})

Make sure all the resource classes are registered

public ResourceConfig configure() {
    return new ResourceConfig()
            .register(new TenantBinder())

And un-comment all the @Test methods. There should be four in total. Then run the test… and Woo Hoo!. We passed.

If you look at the bottom of the test class, you will see a TenantParamValueFactoryProvider. This is a model I use for many of the param providers I create. I closely models how Jersey creates them. You can look in this package for some of the providers that handle such parameters like @PathParam and @QueryParam.

In this implementation you will notice that the TenantFactory, instead of implementing Factory, it extends AbstractContainerRequestValueFactory. This is a convenience class that gives us access the ContainerRequest, which is the context of the request. You can get a lot of information from it. Also instead of directly implementing InjectionResolver, we extend ParamInjectionResolver. This is also a convenience class that needs to get passed an instance of AbstractValueFactoryProvider (which is actually a ValueFactoryProvider).

To see this version work, you can un-comment the registration of its Binder and comment the registration of the TenantBinder

public ResourceConfig configure() {
    return new ResourceConfig()
            //.register(new TenantBinder())
            .register(new TenantParamValueFactoryProvider.Binder())

And that’s it. Hope you guys found this article informative.

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